Frac Wellhead & X-Mas Tree Equipment in E Xian Ye Well 1 Sinopec Group


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SKU: 2022-07-26 Category:

Recently, our fracturing wellhead Christmas tree equipment received thanks from Sinopec Hubei Shale Gas Investment Co., Ltd. In the construction of Well Exianye 1, it took only 44 days to efficiently complete the long-distance relocation, the 25-stage fracturing gas test, and the electric submersible pump drainage. The product packages we provide this time include fracturing wellheads, fracturing manifolds, plug valve manifolds, fracturing valves, fracturing heads, fracturing trees, fluid pipelines, wellhead control panels, desanders, desanding manifolds, ESD Control Panels, Cyclone Desanders, Frac Gate Valves, Frac Check Valves, Frac Plug Valves, Fluid Lines, API 6A Valves and more.

After Sinopec entered the Erxianye block, the Southwest Project Department of the company organized technical personnel to discuss the plan in a timely manner. With the help of our equipment, an emergency plan and technical plan were formulated to comprehensively analyze the difficulties in fracturing construction and effectively improve the response to emergencies. problem-solving ability.

In the early entry process, the JH-SY158 oil (gas) test team reasonably optimized the division of labor. With the help of our equipment, 9 people were organized to complete the standardized connection from the pipeline connection process to the gas test process in only 6 days. , to put the equipment to work, to meet the acceptance conditions for start-up.

In order to overcome difficulties such as low visibility at the well site due to heavy rain and fog in the local area, obstructed vision during construction and pumping, and lifting of cranes, the Southwest Project Department adjusted the construction plan according to the weather patterns, and stepped up construction overnight when there was no fog to avoid waiting. occurred to ensure the smooth progress of construction.

During the construction process, in view of the difficulties that the pressure of the well is not high enough, the energy is insufficient, and the underground water cannot be discharged by the formation pressure, the company’s technical experts, the southwest project department and the technical staff of the well team communicated with Party A many times. The construction plan was continuously optimized to avoid the potential risk of the pin falling into the well at the joint, and the technology of the electric submersible pump was adopted to pump water through the tubing and discharge the gas. Finally, the construction of the well was completed with high quality and efficiency, and the well was successfully completed. The Xianfeng block was successfully ignited for the first time.

Our fracturing wellhead Christmas tree equipment has been applied very successfully in Sinopec’s Exianye 1 well, and has been well received by customers and highly praised.

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Poster发布人:    Clark Guo, CCSC Technology, Shanghai, China, 2022.06           Youtube: Clarkwellhead 

                Wechat & WhatsApp:  +86 13764749879         Email: 

Keywords关键词: shale gas,coiltubing,fracturing,Ultra-deep horizontal well,coil tubing bop,flowline treating iron,API 6A valves,frac valve,frac head,frac tree,frac check valve,frac gate valve,frac plug valve frac manifolds,plug valve manifolds,spools,weco unions,plug catcher,debris catcher,sand catcher,sand filter,sand cyclone,wellhead control panel,ESD control panel,wellhead christmas tree.

Youtube: Clarkwellhead